Monday, February 1, 2010

Snack Time!

Nick loves his snacks.  Whenever I tell him it’s time for a snack, he races into the kitchen saying, “Snack,snack,snack.”  I wanted to recommend some of Nick’s favorite snacks because I know it’s hard to know what to feed your picky little eater sometimes.  Here are some of Nicholas’ favorites!
apple These apple snack bars are by far our go to snack.  He is obsessed.  He can eat them all day, every day.
smileys Smiley Cookies.  They are vanilla flavored.  It is almost like a cookie, but what I like about it is, if you read the ingredients, it’s actually just like cereal..and he loves the faces
cheddar Cheese flavored crackers…and not the gross stuff that is in cheez its.  They also come in chocolate, which I will give Nick for dessert sometimes.
plum I couldn’t believe it when I found these…it is a pure fruit puree..there is no added sugar!  Nick loves it, and I know that he is getting some healthy fruit in him.  It’s great for little hands and really fills his belly up in between meals.

And finally…
yes, that’s right, someone got into daddy’s oreos!  Hide these at all costs…they get EVERYWHERE, and are impossible to clean.

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