Friday, February 5, 2010

Why do I do this?

So, I was thinking, and it came to my realization that I have people reading this blog, that really don't know anything about me.  They don't know why I blog...heck, even the people that do know me, don't know why I blog.  This got me thinking even more about something someone I know mentioned the other day.  They knew why I blogged.  And you know what, they were right.

I am first a mom and a wife.  On most days, this is what I wake up and feel like.  This is what defines me.  The first thing I do when I get up is either feed my son, or cuddle with my son and my husband.  The day goes on, changing diapers, feeding my son, or going to gymboree.  When do I get to do anything for myself?  Well, right now.  I blog. 

Before becoming a mommy, and before becoming a wife I was someone who identified herself as an aspiring dancer, someone who wanted to be an attorney, a daughter, a caring friend, a smart intelligent women who had different dreams and goals.  Today, my dreams and goals might be different, but they are no less important, I don't cherish them any less.  I still want to be a great attorney, a great friend, and yea, I'd love to keep dancing.  Now my dreams have just grown.  I want to be an amazing mom and wife. I want to instill the best values in my son that I can, I want to help him be the person he will want to be.

And, I blog because, hell, I was in law school working my butt off and consuming myself with every possible activity I could do.  I don't know how to just be a mom, or just be a wife.  I need to take on more, I need to feel like I am helping a whole lot more.  So, this is what I do.  I like sharing my experiences and my thoughts...and I hope you enjoy reading about them.

Also, thank you to all my Friday Followers!  Can't wait to visit your blogs!


  1. Awesome! I hope you can accomplish it all! Blogging is fun!

    Thanks for following me - following you back. Hope you have a great weeknd♥

  2. I understand the need to do something for yourself! That's exactly why I blog!

    Thanks for the follow! I am following you as well!

    Have a great weekend!

  3. I started my blog as a way to record my children's milestones, etc. and I found that I really loved blogging, as an outlet and a way to connect with others going through the same things I was. It's something I could never give's a litlte piece of me now!

    Found you through SITS!

  4. I LOVE our blogs. I JUST posted a post today about WHY WE BLOG! It is very nice to meet you!

    I am a new reader from the FF list. Please come follow back if you would like. I am doing some great giveaways right now and have some great ones coming up! Nice to meet you!

  5. Thanks for stopping by & following me! Following you back! BTW, it looks like my daughter & your son are the same age; she was born Dec 12th '08. :0)

  6. Visting from SITS and this is a great post. I was just thinking about my reasons for blogging the other day. You said it so eloquently. :)


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